Author Topic: Skyradar and L-3 Lynx ADS-B In/Out  (Read 7061 times)


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Skyradar and L-3 Lynx ADS-B In/Out
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:52:43 PM »
I am flying an L-3 Lynx NGT-2000 ADS-B Out and In that connects via Wifi to my iPads and iPhones.  We have had up to 5 devices reading from the ADS-B.  I have Radenna Skyradar on my iPhone as my primary display.   I have the iPhone in a $6 Chinese clamp (gotta love eBay) at the lower left corner of my panel for easy traffic and WX Situational Awareness. 

I like the Track Up display so that traffic is shown  "on the clock"  making it is easy to search for and visually acquire traffic.  I also like the variable length speed vectors on Skyradar.  My one real suggestion for improvement would be to increase the font size of the altitude difference.  On an iPhone, bouncing around, it is difficult to discern.

  I have to admit that I am now acquiring significantly more traffic than I was previously aware was around me.  Ignorance was bliss...don't fly with ADS-B until you are ready to buy one, because you are going to feel naked without one.  It truly is like someone turned the lights on AND put eyes in the back of my head. 

I have tried running both Skyradar and Wing X Pro on my iPhone, and switch back and forth between them, but they appear to interfere with each other; so I have mitigated that by running WXP on the iPad and Skyradar on the iPhone. 

Sure am interested in others experience.
